We take Advocating for
Patients Seriously



Protecting Patients and Removing Barriers to Care

Nearly every patient with a skin disease experiences significant barriers to accessing the healthcare they need. Patients are often unable to access specialists, medications and durable medical equipment, or the full range of services they need to manage their health outcomes.

The Coalition of Skin Diseases (CSD) supports state and federal initiatives that expand patients’ access to health coverage and health care; remove financial, administrative, and legal barriers to care, providers, and treatment alternatives; and give patients a voice in their care.

CSD supports legislation that would:

Limit Insurance Practices that Act as Barriers to Care, such as prior authorization, step therapy and non-medical switching; placing commonsense guardrails around these protocols and putting patients ahead of health insurer profits.

Establish Guidelines to Protect Patients from High Out of Pocket Costs by ensuring transparency around spending, capping out-of-pocket costs, prohibiting co-pay accumulator programs, and extending these protections to the Medicare program.

Improve Access to Care through initiatives that provide patients with greater access to providers, like telehealth services and network adequacy, and timeliness requirements for insurers.

Promote Equity by implementing policies that confront and address inequities of the nation’s healthcare system in providing access to appropriate care for all dermatological patients.

Expand Covered Benefits to Include Co-Morbid Conditions of Skin Disease. Some skin diseases co-occur frequently with other co-morbid conditions and many create enormous challenges for patients’ mental wellness. CSD supports expanding essential benefits to include coverage for co-morbid conditions and mental health treatment.

Ensure Coverage for Medical Equipment Devices Associated with Skin Disease by requiring insurers to cover cranial prostheses as durable medical equipment for patients experiencing hair loss due to a skin disease, and including medically recommended skin disease therapies on insurer’s formularies.

Preserve Protections for Patients with Insurance Coverage by opposing the elimination of important federal coverage protections currently in place for patients and their families.

Increase Health Insurance Coverage Options for Uninsured Americans by supporting state and federal efforts to eliminate the coverage gap in all states.

Modernize Federally Regulated Health Insurance Policies to Better Protect Patients ensuring that ERISA plans cover the same benefits under the same cost-sharing rules as state-regulated policies.

Funding for Dermatological Disease

The Coalition of Skin Diseases supports increased federal funding for dermatological disease treatment and research.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the primary federal agency charged with conducting and supporting medical, health, and behavioral research. The President’s FY2022 budget request (May 28, 2021) proposes that NIH be provided with a total program level of $51.953 billion. The House LHHS Appropriations Subcommittee countered the President’s proposal with a bill (H.R. 4502), which proposes overall NIH spending of $49 Billion for FY2022. CSD supports funding the NIH at the levels proposed in the President’s budget proposal, but it is grateful for the appropriations proposed in H.R. 4502.

The Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Dermal Exposure Research Program (DERP) was started to address dermal exposure to hazardous chemicals through direct contact with contaminated surfaces, deposition of aerosols, immersion, or splashes in occupational settings. DERP’s parent agency has received a $117 million annual appropriation every year since 2020.

Its appropriation has not kept pace with inflation. CSD supports increasing DERP’s parent agency’s appropriation by at least 6 percent to offset the impact of inflation on the DERP program’s funding.

Hill Day Photo

The CSD advocates to ensure those living with dermatological diseases and skin traumas receive the care they need to live healthy and productive lives

2024 Hill Day Report

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